Words cant explain the love that I feel
This feeling I have that's just so real
The touch of your hand
The warmth of your kiss
There is not a single one that I want to miss
The happiness I feel laying in your arms
Safe and secure, without any harm
The way you make me smile, when I'm so blue
You always make me laugh, you know just what to do
The way you make me want you when I stare into your eyes
I could never feel this way with any other guy
With your arm tight around me I feel so close to you
You brush my hair off my face and whisper "I love you"
I get really mad and we have a big fight
But you'll still grab my hand and hold it real tight
I love everything about you
And the love you show for me
I know deep inside my heart, that we will always be
The only way I can explain this love is with everything you do
Thanks so much for everything
And for that I'll always love you